Monday, December 12, 2016

Great return on our EURUSD position.

More than 1000 points gain since my last call to sell the EURUSD back in August where it was way up and close to the 1.14 level.

EURUSD: 1.0386

Friday, September 9, 2016

Wow! Another great trade on the Dow. 500 points in profit.

We made it again!

Another great prediction that gave us more than 500 points within three weeks. My model proved to be right again and successfully predicted the short trade on the Dow.

The amazing thing about my model is that it gives us perfect entries at tops and bottoms, so we can enter ahead of the move, and cash in immediately after the initial move occurs. For traders who try to enter at this level after the initial move already occurred, it's a different story. We are already in the green and can peacefully ride further wherever it takes us.

At this level, although we still stay in to ride the wave for additional profits in the days and weeks to come, it is important that we take cash off the table and profit from the great trade we had. What a great way to enter the weekend.

Dow Futures: 17943

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Warming up the Engines for the next moves on the Dow and the EUR

In my last post back in June, We celebrated our short call prior to the Brexit which we were able to net in 500 points on the Dow.

Based on my Model, I'm expecting a similar move and perhaps even a bigger move in the coming weeks. So lets tight the belts and get ready to ride on the next short move.

Dow Futures:18553

The EUR/USD seems to gain momentum to the upside, But I am a bit suspicious of that move and I think it is short lived, And perhaps we can get a good opportunity to look at a short sale if it reaches the 1.15 level.


Monday, June 27, 2016

A divine intervention called Brexit confirmed my short call

Back in April 18 when the crowd was in euphoria as the Dow Jones index hit 18000 and everyone was expecting the market to keep climbing, I posted my altitude sickness post calling to short the market for a profit target anywhere between 500 to 1000 points. In fact 500 points came in less than a month later and a full 1000 points as of today thanks to our friends in the UK who voted for Brexit.

My prediction was based on pure fundamental and technical analysis which Brexit wasn't part of the equation. But as I saw many times throughout the years that once all the signs point to a certain direction, market and world events will follow.  A classic example is the unexpected vote to leave the UK which triggered the selloff I was predicting. I call it the divine intervention. Praise the Lord or whoever that is!

Dow Futures at 16983:

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Wow! 500 points profit on our short position on the Dow within the last month

Another great prediction which gained us 500 points within less than a month.

Although our profit target was initially set to 1000 points, At this level of 17500 which is close to 500 points in our favor it is recommended to take some cash off the table.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Is it time to Short the market? Be aware of Altitude sickness.

Remember you heard it here first.

Market keeps climbing with the Dow closing today above the 18000 psychological level. Despite all of that I believe it's about time to start preparing and building new short position at current market levels. I do take in consideration that the Dow can still move up a bit higher but the reverse trend is around the corner.

Our initial target from current level is 1000 points profit on the downside.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Huge Profit on our Dow position. Best Prediction in the market. We made it again!

On my last post from November 22 2015 when the Dow Jones was at the high level above 17800 and near all time high, I recommended that we enter into a short position and sell the Dow with an initial profit target of 1000-2000 points in profit. I received responses from some skeptic readers but I insisted and remained firm in my prediction.

Last Friday and less than two month later we reached 2000 points profit(see chart).  A sell of 100 Dow Futures contracts from our entry point equals to $1 Million Net profit.

In addition to protect equity portfolios for those who hold long positions in Stocks, we also manage to take huge profits on the downturn.

When the herd is joining or panicking, we cash huge profits!  Red on the screens is Green for us.

There is a good reason why my blog is called 'Predicting Market Cycles'.

My prediction based on my Efficiency Parity Model proved itself again as a great tool to maneuver in the markets and avoid the storms. And more so, cash big league and benefit from the market storms.

Below our Post from November 22, 2015