Friday, May 22, 2015

Pros and Cons

I need to be humble admitting that no Model is perfect and although the odds are in our favor with accuracy of over 90%, we are still dealing with risks, and these risks need to be managed.
I would like to stick to my rule since I started this blog, and avoid going into details as to how to trade and manage a portfolio based on the calls generated by my model.

EUR/USD 1.10:
Although I insisted on my previous posts to sell the EUR/USD, the model failed to predict the comeback the Euro had in the last two weeks back to 1.1450. Having said that, I didn't change my view to sell the EUR/USD on the highs and that opportunity came in this week to sell again above 1.14 all the way down to close the week at 1.10.

Dow 18232:
No change in my view on the Dow. The model keeps predicting a sell-off in the market despite the new highs we in.

Oil 59.92:
Oil keeps holding at a 60 level from our previous long call at the mid 40's. The coming days and weeks will determine if Oil will keep rising or will it re-test the previous lows.

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