Sunday, November 22, 2015

Despite the Market highs we are starting to Short the Dow !

At this level of 17815 we are entering into new short positions on the Dow! Futures. 
Our profit target can go from 1000 to 2000 points and more. 

Dow 17815:

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Picture says it all !

The selloff in the market last week caught everybody in surprise but not us. I've been saying for the last few month to build a short position selling the Dow from the highs of 18200. and as you my readers recall I was very firm and consistent in my view on that position. At this level at more than 2000 points below our entry price we can take huge profit as we entered the position way before the nerd.
The below picture is the story of the Blog and the position we took on shorting the Dow in the last few month. No better way to describe it.

Dow 15985:

Friday, July 24, 2015

500 Points on our short trade on the Dow!

Dow 17502:
Additional 500 points on our short sell on the Dow Futures since our last post Four days ago. This will be our third run on this trade cashing in over 2000 points so far and more to come.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Congratulations! Celebrating Six month to the Blog.

We are now celebrating six month to the blog who became very popular among professional traders and money managers. Since last February when I first started posting my analysis on the markets, I was focusing on three assets that managed to gain several thousand points.

I would also like to take this opportunity and thank my readers and special those who emailed me their feedback and comments. I highly appreciate that. Thank You.

EUR/USD 1.0816:
Eur/Usd is back to the levels we saw beginning of March. I insisted along the way to sell on the highs and we had those opportunities when the Eur climbed again to the 1.14 level. all around we had over 1500 pips gain on the Eur trade. see below today's chart and from last March.

Dow 18002:
On the Dow we also had several trades of 700-800 points since calling the high at 18250 as a selling point.

Oil 49.99:
On the Oil we had a beautiful trade from the low 40's up to the 60's of close to $15. as you can see the Oil pulled back towards the 50 level and we need to keep a close look for further direction.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Bingo! Our Dow trade gained more than 600 points in the money.

Dow 17621 :
Our trade on the Dow from 18250 is gaining us more than 600 points in the money and more to come. We were fortunate to get in at the peak and ride it all the way down. I kept insisting on selling the Dow despite some new highs in previous months. And it turned out to be a great trade. As I write in my profile, we can cash in when others are only considering to join the move. as the famous saying on the street goes, "Buy on the rumors and sell on the news" we sold on our analysis and cahsing on the news.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Is the Dow heading down ?

Dow 17849:
After some of my readers were skeptical about my call insisting on selling the Dow, it is finally kicking in. Several hundred points to the downside in the last few days is just an appetizer. Dow can still correct itself for a while but the long shot is definitely to the downside.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Pros and Cons

I need to be humble admitting that no Model is perfect and although the odds are in our favor with accuracy of over 90%, we are still dealing with risks, and these risks need to be managed.
I would like to stick to my rule since I started this blog, and avoid going into details as to how to trade and manage a portfolio based on the calls generated by my model.

EUR/USD 1.10:
Although I insisted on my previous posts to sell the EUR/USD, the model failed to predict the comeback the Euro had in the last two weeks back to 1.1450. Having said that, I didn't change my view to sell the EUR/USD on the highs and that opportunity came in this week to sell again above 1.14 all the way down to close the week at 1.10.

Dow 18232:
No change in my view on the Dow. The model keeps predicting a sell-off in the market despite the new highs we in.

Oil 59.92:
Oil keeps holding at a 60 level from our previous long call at the mid 40's. The coming days and weeks will determine if Oil will keep rising or will it re-test the previous lows.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

1500 Points($15)gain for Oil

Oil gains 1500 points ($15) as the Model predicted
It all began in my first post on this blog, back on February 9, 2015, when I posted the following: "Oil - currently at 52.18. Awaiting on another test to the mid 40's to start accumulating and build a long position for the months to come." This call was against the widespread opinion of the street that called for oil’s further move downwards towards the 30's. Our opportunity began on March 16th, when the Oil contract went all the way down to 45. On April 7th, despite some mixed signals in the Oil market, I insisted on sticking to my call for a move towards 60. Last week on April 30th, Oil touched 60 (at 59.89 to close the week at 59.29). That's a 1500-point profit from the mid 40's where we first bought Oil (as you can see in the chart below).

Thanks to the model's prediction we were able to enter at the bottom, and reach our profit target of 1500 points in merely several weeks. More to come. 

EUR/USD 1.1186
Despite the strength the Euro gained in recent days, my call remains to sell the Euro/Dollar on the highs.

Dow 18024
My short call from the 18200 level still in the making for the months to come.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Weekly Update

GBP/USD 1.5175:
Closing my previous call.
Unlike what I expected the British Pound managed to break the barrier of 1.50 to 1.5175  and as a result I will end my previous short call. However, this didn't change my long term view and should we see a new break below 1.50 this may trigger a new short call.

Oil 57.19:
The WT Oil behaved as I predicted and climbed all the way up from the mid 40's to 58 getting him closer to my profit target at 60. It may still fluctuate within the range of the 50's but I don't expect new lows.

Dow 18080:
No change in my view despite the Nasdaq's new highs.

EUR/USD 1.0863
No change in my view.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Last 10 Days in the Markets

Oil 56.14:
In my previous post from April 7, I wrote the following regarding Oil "I lean more towards a move up" as you can see on the chart below Oil managed to hold above the support level of 50 and climbed above 57 to close the week above 56 after coming all the way up from the low 40's as the model predicted. The days ahead will set the tone for further direction. 

Dow 17826:
As my Model predicted the Dow lacked the strength to hold above the 18200 level. No change from my previous posts and Model still signalling a Sell.


EUR/USD 1.0803:
No change from previous calls.

GBP/USD 1.4955:
Despite testing the 1.50 level again, The Cable couldn't manage to hold and fell back into the range. still in the making.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Bi-Monthly Updates on Oil, Dow, EUR/USD and GBP/USD

It's time for Updates on all of my model driven calls since I started this Blog back on February 9 this year.
In respond to readers request, I only post updates when I see it necessary due to changes in the market or serious moves in the positions I called. Otherwise, I find no reason to update even if days go by. As I wrote under my profile, my model isn't for day trading or short term trading. Although many times it may hit the profit target in matter of days as you can see from my past calls but the core of the model is price driven and not time driven.

Oil 53.25:
As mentioned on my previous posts, we saw a range from the low 40's to the low 50's which gave us the confidence to buy long from the low 40's. we also saw today a break above the 52 range up to 54.13. This works well if we entered from the low 40's which gave us a 1000 points move. however, my model is sending some confusing signals as to whether this will hold for additional move toward 60 and up or we will go back into the range of 50 and below. I lean more towards a move up but this isn't scientifically proven and I may be wrong in reading the signal here as there is definitely some resistance at this levels.


Dow 17875:
Model proved to be right on this one. we sold the market at 18200 and despite some moves in the recent days to the upper levels, so far it didn't hold and fell again. still in the range of 18200 to 17600.

EUR/USD 1.0810:
Model signaled a sell at 1.1340 and despite some attempts it didn't gain the strength to climb back to those levels. Our model is clear that the Eur/Usd is in a downtrend.

GBP/USD 1.4808:
The Model predicted back on March 19 that if it fails to move above 1.50 we can expect additional move to the downside of several hundreds points. As we can see on the chart it failed to make a move above 50 and so this move is still in the making.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Oil & Dow Update

The Dow behaves as expected and still within the range. Any attempt to break higher failed. still in line with my previous calls.

Oil trades within the range of low 40's to low 50's. We will keep watching for any breakout.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Oil Update

Oil climbed all the way back from the low 40's and currently trading near 52. If holding above or near 50 we can easily see an upside move of several Hundred points and more.  in this case we will apply our call from February 9.

Dow Update

It didn't take long since our last post on Friday and the Dow behaved as expected. failing to break above 18200 gave the Short sale our model predicted for a nice move of 500 points.
If this levels won't hold as a support level we can expect further move to the downside.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Dow Update

Dow climbed all the way back towards 18200 due to the Fed's Chair comments. if it fails to break the resistance level of 18200-18400, this will send us back for another short sale.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

GBP/USD - British Pound vs US Dollar

Currently at 1.4725. If holding below 1.50 we can expect additional 500 points and more to the downside. Some support maybe around 1.45.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Oil Update

On Feb 9 when Oil was above 52 I predicted additional move towards the mid 40's before we can consider a support level. WTI Oil Contract made a nice move of nearly 1000 points to the downside now below 43. I will continue watching for any developments.

Friday, March 13, 2015

DOW Update

As posted on February 9, I expected the Dow to move back up to 18200 where we can enter into a short position. that opportunity came in few days ago and we are now close to 600 points in our favor at the 17600 level.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

EUR/USD Update

As I predicted EUR/USD kept moving lower and reached today below 1.0540 which is 800 points from our entry at 1.1340 posted on February 9.  An impressive trade over one month only.

Friday, March 6, 2015

EUR/USD Update

Today we reached our initial profit target at 1.0840 which is 500 points from our entry at 1.1340 posted on February 9.

Monday, February 9, 2015

EUR/USD , Dow and Oil Futures

Euro vs USD Short continues from 1.40 now at 1.1340. I believe additional pressure on the downside is ahead of us for additional 500-1000 pips.


Dow--any move up towards 18000-18200 is an opportunity to sell. currently at 17730 is excellent to build a short position. in the coming weeks/months I believe 1000-2000 points down is an easy trade.

Mini Dow

Oil - currently at 52.18. awaiting on another test in the mid 40's to start accumulating and build a long position for the months to come.

Light Crude Oil